Quick Search

Quick search is a fast and easy tool to search for text and to navigate to one of the search results.

  1. Start the quick search: menu SearchQuick Search
    Keyboard shortcut: Press Alt+Ctrl+Shift+L.

  2. In the dialog, enter a text. These wildcards are possible: ? = any character (but exactly one), * = any string (any set of characters)
    The search results are displayed immediatedly and updated accordingly as you type.

  3. Do one of the following:

    1. Click onto  (at the right, upper corner of the dialog) and select Case Sensitive to toggle the text search to be case sensitive or not.

    2. Click onto one of the search results or select it (by using the cursor movement keys) in order to see the preview within the dialog.
      If you are not satisfied with the size of the preview, re-size the dialog area for the preview.

    3. Double-click one of the search results or press the Enter-key (when the search result is selected) in order to go to the found text and close the dialog.
      If you press the Enter-key when no search result is selected, Neuron Power Engineer goes to the first result.

    4. Press the ESC-key to close the dialog and exit the quick search.

If you have selected any text within a text editor (such as within the ST-editor) when you are starting the quick search, the selected text is automatically searched for. If you do want to use this text for the search, just start typing to replace it. If no text has been selected, the text of the last quick search is automatically used for the new search.

Some files within the workspace are skipped for the quick search in order to speed up the search. Typically, you are not interested in any search results for such files (such as EXE-files or image files). But if you need to, you are able to adjust the preferences for the ignored files: menu WindowPreferences, group Quick Search


If you are searching for a library element that is not used within the application yet, this library element is not found during the quick search. In this case, use one of the following alternatives.

Neuron Power Engineer provides the following possibilities as alternatives to the quick search: